We Care About Our People

At Grecos we receive 3500 employees with their families every season. Our home, health and school complex was built to improve life quality and safety for our people.

Eating hall, recreational areas, playground, sports equipment, medical services, educational services and much more.


We care about the well being of our families, providing them with medical and dental services, as well as nutritional programs.


In Grecos we believe in a happy workplace, a place where all employees are treated with respect and dignity. We support this statement by implementing activities for every member of the family: sports programs, recreational and cultural activities.


We care about our workers and their families, that's why we are constantly learning and developing growth in our organization. Grecos employees present the “Ability and Competitive Labors” certification course which is validated by the Secretary of Public Education, improving their life quality and employability.

Grecos education program offers daycare, kindergarten and elementary school to all workers children. Our organization child programs include cultural experiences, such as museums, movie theaters, parks and sports activities.